i'm so lucky to have, among my friends, an amazing talented woman who is also a jewelry maker. chiara has always loved ears, rings & co. and now she runs a small business called trhand, creating pottery jewelry.
when alma was born i asked her to create a special pair of earrings and she made a unique wonderful piece just for me (I'm lucky eh?!)
these are some of my favorite pieces.
let her introduces her work.
You did several pottery classes before creating jewelry with it. Did you already know that that was your way?
Well, I've been always in love with accessories like rings, earrings, necklaces... Pottery classes have given to me a chance to learn the process to shape something from nothing.
what was the first piece you made?
I made some white clay beads, thinking of assembling a long necklace for myself.
where do you get your inspiration?
I get inspiration from everything around me: in the nature (for example leafs, flowers and so on...) I can find a particular shape, in fabrics a wonderful texture, or in some artworks interesting details... I often look at the world around me with Trhand eyes!
what comes first, the shape or the color?
Shape comes first, always.
you are a new mom (her beautiful daughter is 7 months). Did this influenced your work?
Well, now that I'm a mother I don't want to give up wearing accessories but I'm in need to wear very light and simple jewelry, so I'm working to realize also some very easy-to-wear earrings and necklaces in my new Trhand Collection.
are you planning to use other materials in the future?
Last year in Milan I attended to a very interesting workshop about porcelain, so I wish to use this beautiful material as soon as possible for my objects.
if you hadn't expressed your creativity with jewelry, what else would you have done?
What a difficult question! Really, I've always created jewelry in my life: when I was just a teen I loved assembling glass and resin beads, then I experimented colored fabrics... I think I have no alternative to jewelry ;)
don't forget to visit her etsy shop. i support local shops, especially when they make things with hands and heart!
non dimenticate di visitare il suo negozio su etsy e il suo sito! sosteniamo chi crea con le mani e con il cuore!