we started with this tradition when zoe was born: every 8th of december (national holiday here in italy) we would have welcomed christmas in our house with one full day of decoration, bakings and christmas carols. this year zoe was sick but somehow she partecipated as well. no baking cookies (her intestinal flu was praying not to do that!) and we spent just the time we decorate the christmas tree singing, but i consider the tradition followed! the miracle is that alma seems not interested at all in breaking christmas balls or redecorate the house…at least until now!
abbiamo cominciato questa tradizione quando è nata zoe: ogni 8 dicembre avremmo accolto il natale in casa nostra con un giorno pieno di decorazioni, cucina e canti natalizi. quest’anno zoe era malata ma in qualche modo è riuscita a partecipare anche lei. Non abbiamo cotto i biscotti (la sua influenza intestinale ci ha pregato di non farlo!) e abbiamo passato solo il tempo in cui abbiamo decorato l’albero cantando, ma considero la tradizione rispettata! il miracolo è che alma non sembra interessata a rompere palline di natale o modificare le decorazioni della casa…almeno per ora!

Happy week to your family!!
RispondiEliminaSuch nice shots! We make our tree on Christmas Eve, so my kids have to wait a little bit until then... But we have our Advent wreath, the Advent calendar and our lights outside until then ;-)
RispondiEliminaAww, the little ones always enjoy helping out with the Christmas decoration around the house. Mine get all excited and if I let them, they will put up every single little thing they find in the box up on our tree and around the house!
RispondiEliminaChristmas without little children would be just half the fun.A lovely series of pictures. Have a wonderful christmas time.
RispondiEliminaBeauttiful!!! your girls look so big!!! You celebrate el dia de la Inmaculada Concepcion on the 8th right? Virgin´s day! We do to here in Venezuela, just that is not a holiday! Your tree looks beautiful and love your tradition!!!!
RispondiEliminaso lovely to see the joy and anticipation of Christmas in they eyes of children. A lovely series of images. Thank you for taking us into your world. I am yet to put up my tree. I promise this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend ahead.