asolo is a charming city near where i live that i have always wanted to visit. i have to say that giulio keeps telling me that we’ve already been there… i believe him but i didn’t remember a thing so this was pretty much my first visit! wikipedia says that it’s known as “the pearl of the province of treviso” and “the city of a hundred horizons” for its mountain settings. eleonora duse (one of our most famous actress – 1858/1924) used to live here.
asolo è una cittadina incantevole vicino a dove vivo e avevo sempre desiderato visitarla. devo ammettere che giulio continua a dirmi che ci siamo già stati… io gli credo ma non ricordo niente e quindi considero questa la nostra prima visita! wikipedia la definisce “la perla della provincia di treviso” e uno dei borghi più belli d’italia.eleonora duse (famosissima attrice italiana di fine 800) ha vissuto qui i suoi ultimi anni.
the city center is very small, up on a hill, with a castle and a fortress above everything.. and beautiful corners…
il centro è molto piccolo, su una collina, con un castello e una fortezza a dominare tutto… e bellissimi angoli da scoprire..
what about you? link your post with communal global!

I always enjoy you taking us along when you explore different parts of Italy. Thank you! :)
RispondiEliminaI'd sure love to visit!! Been in Italy once, but it was near the sea. I visited Venice but only for a day.... not enough. :)