But I'll be back with pictures and what I've learned about traveling with two little monkeys soon!
:: WatW :: NEW YORK, new york.
But I'll be back with pictures and what I've learned about traveling with two little monkeys soon!
:: WatW :: FOUR YEARS.
four years… already… Happy Birthday my love! now you are a little person, a little funny, smart girl, who loves pink, horses, tinkerbell, chocolate, her new bicycle, reading books. you have just learned how to write you name. you are also my favorite buddy when i go for shopping: honest and direct!
but, zoe… a part of me will always, always, look at you and see the baby girl in this picture… no matter how many things you will learn. no matter what you will do. you will always be my little monkey.

:: WatW :: READY to FLY?

oh yes! we are planning our next trip to USA! my brother in law and his beautiful family live in new jersey and we don’t go to visit them since zoe was 11 months! way toooo long! in a couple of weeks we will be flying in the sky… destination: NYC! (our family lives just on the other side of george washington bridge) we’re planning to spend some days in montreal too.. any suggestion? it will be a road trip so if you know a beautiful place where we can stop along the way, well, tell me!
oh si! stiamo programmando il nostro prossimo viaggio negli Stati Uniti d'America! mio cognato e la sua bella famiglia vivono nel New Jersey e non andiamo a trovarli da quando zoe aveva 11 mesi! troppo tempo! tra un paio di settimane saremo in volo... destinazione: New York! (la nostra famiglia vive appena al di là del George Washington Bridge). stiamo progettando di trascorrere anche qualche giorno a montreal.. qualche suggerimento? sarà un viaggio on the road, quindi conoscete un bel posto dove ci si può fermare lungo la via, beh, ditemelo!


another beautiful villa designed by Andrea Palladio: Villa Capra, also know as La Rotonda… unfortunately we couldn’t take pictures of the inside but believe me, it’s breathtaking! we’re taking this commitment of knowing better where we live very seriously and i made a list of places to see in the next future. this one was in our to-see list from a very long time and we are more than happy to have finally found the time to see it! The weather was quite bad so we didn’t walk around the villa (you can see many other historical palaces around) but we will be back soon!
A technical information: the interior is open only on wednesday and on saturday. the cost is 5 euro for the outside and 5 euro for the inside (quite pricey, in my opinion, but we have to consider that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it’s unique on its genre!)

Ok, let's sit down and talk. I do not write "private post" often but maybe , from time to time, it is necessary.
I didn't post that much lately... The truth is that I have avoided my blog... I was in a lack of inspiration and I was working (and still am) on different ... projects.
As a mom you can guess how many small and big things there are to control, to get done: menu to plan, house to clean, dresses to be ready for school...
I am trying to improve my photography skills, which requires time and practice.
A friend of mine just wrote a book and she asked me to take pictures for the cover and for the promotional tour... A great occasion, right?
We are visiting our family in US in the end of May and I am planning what to do and to see during our stay (we're thinking to drive from NYC to Montreal... any tips?)
Zoe will turn 4 on the 20th of May and I want to get her a party with some friends... another thing in my "to-do list".
and above all I am working on me, as a person, as a wife... a marriage needs a daily commitment and it is way to easy to forget that everything started with the two of you, with a man and a woman. I am working on this.I read an article on Simple as That fb page about get a daily hug for two minutes. Really... set the clock and hug your partner for 120 seconds. Connect with him and forget about everything else. Do not talk. I want to try this, starting from today and I will tell you what happens ok?
ok... that's the end of our morning chat..
now you know what is happening in my life lately...
"a portrait, every week, in 2015"
I skipped a couple of week… i will post why soon…
anyway, zoe wanted to take her self portrait this week! her painted nails, her dog and her pillow. i am so proud when she asks to use my camera! worried… but proud! alma loves playing with cereals… now she is learning to stick them to her little fingers, then she calls me moving her finger left and right, and 9 times to 10 the cereal drops to the floor before she can eat it….
zoe ha voluto scattare il suo autoritratto questa settimana. le sue unghie dipinte, il suo cagnolino e il suo cuscino. sono sempre orgogliosa quando mi chiede di usare la mia macchina fotografica! preoccupata ma orgogliosa! alma adora giocare con i cereali… ora sta imparando ad attaccarli alle dita, poi mi chiama, muove il ditino a destra e a sinistra e nove volte su dieci il cereale cade prima che lo mangi…
Joining in with Jodi's weekly portrait series