
just ME and MYSELF.


the house is clean… i’m working on this “decluttering” project and i’m so proud and happy about the results!

i don’t have to think about dinner because we’ll eat out (just me & my mr.) and the girls will stay by giulio’s parents…

the only thing that remain to do is sitting down, with a book good for my eyes (this one is the flower recipe book) and a cappuccino, painting my nails, until my little alma wakes up…  



la casa è pulita… sto lavorando su questo progetto “liberiamoci del troppo” e sono davvero felice e orgogliosa dei risultati!

non devo pensare alla cena, perchè ceniamo fuori (io e il mio mr.) e le bimbe saranno ospiti dei nonni paterni..

l’unica cosa che resta da fare è sedersi con un libro bello per gli occhi (questo è the flower recipe book) e un cappuccino, e mettermi lo smalto finchè alma si sveglia…


6 commenti:

  1. Love the way you have included the book pages and used them as a backdrop! Beautifully done!

  2. Lovely images! Looks like a beautiful book too!

  3. Lovely 'me' time ...
    That book looks wonderful !
    Have a nice weekend,

    1. You really need some "me" time from time to time! Have a great weekend!!

  4. First of all. LOVE the flower recipe book! I've checked it our from our local library several times. This little slice of your life was a joy to read and see. Your images have a lovely every day feel - as though I peeked into your home. Enjoy your night out with your husband. I'll look forward to more of your work . . .


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