last weekend I decided that it was time to cook again… Well, I cook something every evening for the family, but I was looking for something more… elaborated than pasta or hamburgers. I love baking cakes and muffins, mainly because I’m always craving for something sweet. I wish I had had more time but, as always, I start working at the very last hour! I found these super easy and super quick muffins. They are made with whole wheat flour (125 gr), pastry flour (100 gr), brown sugar (60 gr), baking powder (8 gr) and a pinch of salt. Mix everything together and, in another bowl, add an egg, seed oil (50 gr), and skimmed milk (250 ml). Mix the two in the same bowl. I have add some red fruits ( blueberries, raspberries…) and chocolate on the top. Bake for 25 min at 180°C.

:: Lo scorso weekend ho deciso che era tempo di mettermi a cucinare di nuovo… Beh, cucino qualcosa ogni sera per la mia famiglia, ma volevo fare qualcosa di più… elaborato che una pasta o degli hamburger. Adoro cucinare torte e muffins, principalmente perchè sono molto golosa. Vorrei aver avuto più tempo, ma, come sempre, mi metto al lavoro all’ultimo secondo! Ho trovato questa ricetta super semplice e veloce per i muffins. Sono fatti unendo farina integrale (125 gr), farina 00 (100 gr), zucchero di canna (60 gr), lievito (8 gr), un pizzico di sale. A parte mescolare un uovo, olio di semi (50 gr) e latte scremato (250 ml). Unire i due composti. Io ho aggiunto anche dei frutti rossi (mirtilli, lamponi etc..)e un po di cioccolata sopra. Infornare per 25 min a 180°C.

Molto belli e sicuramente buoni questi muffins! Da provare! ♥
RispondiEliminaLe tue foto sono bellissime!
Ciao, a presto!
Mmmmh.... Muffins! I love Muffins in all sorts ☺️
RispondiEliminaSounds yummy! I like to bake too, but the problem is that I eat it all!!
RispondiEliminaMuffins are always tasty and good! I think I'll bake some soon ;-)
RispondiEliminaHave a great day!
muffins can be a really quick and easy treat - especially when the children are about to arrive home from school!
RispondiEliminaHave a great week.
Those sound yummy and not too hard to make... might have to try them! :)