
WEDNESDAY around the WORLD: family.


Last weekend we had a big party with all my father's family (52 people!!). He has 4 brothers and sisters, nearly each of them with children and grandchildren so that's why I can totally say "big party"! we ate at my uncle's restaurant, there were music, pictures and lots of kids! I'm not so fond of "family days"... I have always been more united by my mother's side of the family: I have spent summers with them, my cousin is like a sister to me and I call her daughters "nieces"...

But still I have memories with the other side of the family as well.  I used to go to visit my granma once a week and i played with some of my cousins. Unfortunately grandma died few years ago and we took different roads. Seeing them altogether has been both beautiful and hard: i had to know them again. Now most of them are parents and we can make more grown-ups talks. and i see differently my aunt and uncles as well. Now that i'm a mother and I can see the bonds between brothers and sisters, I can understand how my father has always felt connected with them even without see them often.


lo scorso weekend abbiamo fatto una grande festa con tutta la famiglia di papà (52 persone!!). Ha quattro fra fratelli e sorelle, quasi tutti con figli e nipoti, quindi posso ben affermare che è stata una “grande” festa! Abbiamo mangiato al ristorante di mio zio; c’era musica, tante foto e tante bimbi! Non sono molto appassionata di “pranzi di famiglia”… sono sempre stata molto più unita alla famiglia di mia mamma: passavo le estati con loro, mia cugina è quasi una sorella e le sue figlie sono le mie “nipotine”…

Ma ho comunque ricordi anche dell’altra parte della famiglia. Andavo a trovare la nonna paterna una volta a settimana e giocavo con alcuni dei miei cugini. Sfortunatamente la nonna è morta qualche anno fa e noi cugini abbiamo preso strade differenti…Vederli tutti insieme è stato sia bello che difficile: ho dovuto quasi conoscerli di nuovo. Ora molti di loro sono genitori e noi possiamo fare discorsi “da adulti”. E vedo in maniera diversa anche i miei zii.Ora che sono una mamma e spettatrice delle connessioni che ci sono fra fratelli e sorelle, posso capire come mai mio papà si è sempre sentito tanto legato a loro pur non vedendoli spesso…



3 commenti:

  1. I know what you mean. I wasn't fond of a lot of 'family' growing up but I think (hope) things were different if we were to meet today. It's good for little ones to know their extended families even if they don't stay close.

  2. Sounds like an amazing get together and I LOVE that last image.... what a beautiful shot


  3. family times really are special. Unfortunately my mother and father's families are both very large - and we have drifted apart over the years as children become adults, have children of their own. And now my mother & father and their siblings (bar one) are all gone those times of reconnecting are drifting further away. Enjoy and take pleasure in them while you can. And have a lovely weekend.


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