
:: WatW :: WHAT are you READING?


I am one of those people that need to have a book beside the bed. Not one, actually, but two, three… five… I don’t know why but I’ve always read more than one book at the same time. Right now, on my night table I have:

W. Dyer: ‘Your Erroneous Zones’ : a friend of mine, a psychotherapist talked to me about this book and I’m really looking forward to start reading it (soon, let’s hope!)

F. Scott Fitzgerald: ‘This side of Paradise’: I have started this book last summer, during my “the great gatsby” period. I’m still in the beginning (Amory has just arrived to Princeton) and I like it, but somehow I find it difficult to keep on.

T. Wolfe: ‘The Bonfire of the Vanities’: I bought this book last time I have been to NY. I was in the mood to read books set in the Big Apple so I bought ‘The NY trilogy’ and this one. I don’t think that it is the right book to be read in such a long period of time: every time I have to begin one or two pages before to understand where I was! But I’m using it to train my english… and I still don’t have an opinion about it (I have to admit that I was about to see the movie to understand more the story… But one of my key point is ‘the book first, then the movie’)

Kinfolk : no explanation here. That is n. 8, about Japan, and I. Love. It. I love everything, but the pictures… they are the best!

Diane Arbus : that’s a monograph, Giulio’s Christmas present. She was so talented…

Reading was MY hobby.. I used to  love spending the evening (and the night) with a book… and I am wondering when I will be able to do it again! But I want to try to read at least a couple of pages every night…


:: Io sono una di quelle persone che hanno bisogno di avere un libro sul comodino. Non uno solo, veramente, ma due, tre.. cinque… Non so perchè ma ho sempre letto più di un libro alla volta. Adesso sul mio comodino ci sono:

W. Dyer: ‘Le vostre zone erronee’: una mia amica psicoterapista me ne ha parlato e non vedo l’ora di leggerlo (speriamo presto!)

F. Scott Fitzgerald: ‘ Al di qua del paradiso’:  ho iniziato questo libro la scorsa estate, durante la mia fase “il grande gatsby”. Sono però ancora all’inizio (Amory è appena arrivato a Princeton) e mi piace, ma trovo in qualche modo difficile continuare.

T. Wolfe: ‘The Bonfire of Vanities’: ho comperato questo libro l’ultima volta che sono stata a NY. Ero in vena di leggere libri ambientati nella grande mela così ho comperato “The NY Trilogy” e questo. Non credo però sia il libro giusto da leggere a più riprese: ogni volta devo riprendere da una o due pagine prima per ricordarmi dov’ero arrivata! Ma lo sto usando per tener allenato l’inglese… e non mi sono ancora fatta un’opinione a riguardo (devo ammettere che ero tentata dall’idea di vedere il film, ma uno dei miei punti fissi è “prima il libro, poi il film”)

Kinfolk: nessuna spiegazione. Questo è il num 8, quello sul Giappone e lo adoro! Mi piace tutto e le immagini… Sono le migliori!

Diane Arbus: una monografia, regalo di Natale di Giulio. Aveva un talento enorme..

Leggere era la mia passione.. Adoravo trascorrere la sera (e la notte) con un libro… e mi chiedo quando riuscirò a farlo di nuovo! Ma voglio tentare di leggere almeno un paio di pagine a sera…


WHAT ABOUT YOU? WHAT ARE YOU READING RIGHT NOW? ! (and by the way one of our friend, Jade Keller,  just wrote a book… check it here!)


11 commenti:

  1. Me, too!! I need to read a few pages of a book in bed every night. I need to be reading a book every day and I always make sure that I have another book ready for when I finish my current book. At the moment, I am starting "The Sky Is Everywhere" by Jandy Nelson. I read about this in a list that someone recommended and decided to check it out.

  2. I usually try and read a few pages every night, but end up falling asleep mid sentence. Maybe that is why I am presently drawn to volumes of short stories. You can read a whole story in a short time before sleep.
    Wishing you a wonderful 2015

  3. Books are good friends.... Every day I like it to read :)
    xoxo Heidrun

  4. I love reading in bed. I have Henning Mankell's Wallander now on my bed side table. :)

  5. Your bedside is like my bedside, only my books usually spill onto the floor as well.

  6. Life without books? Impossible....my bedside looks like yours!

  7. I used to be able to read more than one book at a time, but no more!!

  8. oooh!!! I wish I had more time to read!

  9. My bedside table looks very similar except the books are MUCH higher


  10. I'm always reading too! I just finished a book "N-W" by Zadie Smith that was really a fascinating read. The slang was a little hard to get into at first, but the characters were very engaging. Thanks so much for the shout out too, I really appreciate it! :)

  11. Reading used to be my hobby too but it seems to have gone by the wayside. I've never really mastered the more than one book thing though.


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